Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My Blog, My Virtual Pensieve


The other day a person who shall remain anonymous made a rather nasty dig at the state of my blog posts. Apparently I was supposed to post in a certain way concentrating on just certain topics that person would find interesting just so they’d approve of it, say for example post about fashion since fashion bloggers are so in right now. My dear person, I beg to differ to differ with you if you are reading this. Let me try and explain one aspect of what my blogs represents to me. If you are a Harry Potter fan then you’d know how a pensieve work. Have you ever wished you had a pensive of your own? Well, believe it or not, after blogging for over five years my blog did become something that resembles my very own virtual pensive!

Going back and sifting through posts from previous months and years of my very own life, I often come across something I’ve totally forgotten about. Sometimes, I go back to my blog and search for something I’ve forgotten, trying to jog my memory and you can imagine my delight when I do find what I was looking for, in detail! In a way, my little blog has turned into an extension of the memory part in my brain, like my very own external hard disk filled with information, emotions, and opinions I would not normally remember, not after I turned thirty and the saving feature of my memory began to decline. Even the event posts, which 99% of all blog readers hate, represent a slice of time where I was somewhere doing something, meeting a new person, or having a good -or a bad- time.

Therefore excuse me, dearest person, but I cannot dismiss the option of having my very own pensive just for the sake of your enjoyment. You always have the option not to read something I’ve written, I cannot churn out one post after the other where they are all made specifically to your liking, that would be unnatural and kinda creepy! If one day very far in the future I’d like a child or a grandchild of mine to know all about my young days and how I used to live, I for sure hope they’ll be able to come back here and read all about it, in details, and hopefully enjoy their time as well.

Reblog: http://www.danderma.co/?p=30743&utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=my-blog-my-virtual-pensieve

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