Sunday, December 22, 2013

My Favorite Music Albums of 2013

Early on in the month I posted my favorite tracks of the year and after a bit of a struggle I’ve managed to choose my top 10 albums of the year which I’ve listed below. I use the word struggle because there were quite a few good albums this year but in the end, the albums below were the ones that meant the most to me. I’ve also taken the liberty to arrange them in order of my favorite the Jon Hopkins – Immunity album being my most favorite. It’s just a ridiculously good album and one that I spent a lot of time listening to. Check out my top 10 albums below, I’ve even gone ahead and pulled out a track from each album so you could listen to it.

1- Jon Hopkins – Immunity

2- White Lies – Big TV

3- Moderat – II

4- Darkside – Psychic

5- Baths – Obsidian

6- The National – Trouble Will Find Me

7- Pacific Air – Stop Talking

8- Arcade Fire – Reflektor

9- Junip – Junip


10- Tosca – Odeon


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